Shortland Waters

//Shortland Waters

Shortland Waters is a master-planned seniors living development within the confines of the existing Shortland Waters Golf Course in Newcastle, NSW. Stages 1 to 3  are now complete, consisting of 132 serviced independent living units (ILU’s), a community centre building, a new golf club house, golf course reconfiguration and construction of 8 new holes, landscaping, roads and car parking. AvidPM’s extensive stakeholder management is key to the successful delivery of this project, with the developer, golf course, University of Newcastle, and multiple contractors all requiring delicate coordination to maintain business continuity.

Project value: $110m

Client: AVEO

Architect: Jackson Teece / Paladin Projects

Civil Engineer: Northrop Consulting Engineers

Civil Contractor: Daracon

Golf Club and Community Centre Contractor: Graph Building

Golf Course Contractor: Turnpoint

ILU Contractor: Midson Construction

Our role:

  • Design development to tender
  • Tender process and appointment of contractors
  • Management of authority approvals
  • Detailed coordination of various contractors
  • Stakeholder liaison and coordination
  • Program management
  • Superintendent services