David Read

David Read 2024-04-30T11:20:38+10:00


David Read is one of our Directors at Avid PM, holding a Bachelor of Construction Management and a Master of Property.

David manages a wide variety of projects and teams on the day-to-day, focusing on project compliance and ensuring everything operates and aligns with industry standards. He is often seeking new and unique opportunities for our team and helps to provide support on the early stages of projects to ensure everything is underway and set up for success.

Having been in the industry since 2000, David has worked across a variety of projects internationally, including commercial management contacts across Australia and the United Kingdom.

David’s favourite aspect of his role is being able to witness the growth in the business, including team development, organisational systems, achieving goals and building a solid reputation in the project management industry.

Something that David really enjoys about working in project management is the excitement about new projects, plans and opportunities, as well as seeing the end users make the most out of the completed project.

Outside of work, David spends his time with family attending his kids’ sports, travelling, and enjoying a weekend catching up with friends.